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Sunday, August 05, 2012


            "What" and "if" have the capacity to be mutually exclusive but once you put them together, they have the power to induce severe distress. At least that is what I have heard... If your a person like me, who often dwells in the possibilities of distorted moments, you would find yourself in the same predicament. The questions we want the answers to, are the answers right in front of us this whole time. Being human and all, the emotional factor comes in to play and simply clouds all logical thought. "This is why I can't follow my own freaking advice!!" The capacity to throw logic out the window and feel everything, is truly the meaning of being human...

            The possibilities are endless in this forever invariable journey we call life. The impossibilities continuing to twist the outcomes in the favour of god knows who... Disney has continued to screw my idea of love... At times I think.. What if I gave us another go, threw caution to the wind, simply give you my heart and given our story a second chance..?? A story I could tell my grandchildren, of course excluding the intimate details... Well my blooming life could not have fallen further from the happily ever after tree. Our lives are not fairy tales and so I keep telling myself...

            What happens when "what if" is not what you want to hear. The difference between writing and living is just that... In this world of elf tales and gummy bears, we rarely get the opportunity to edit the ending of our film stripes to soothe our most troubling conclusions. Once again being human has its perks... With sooo much PRIDE... When reality steps in, we all have a choice... Ultimately we can choose to merely drift by as the planet balances out its yin and yang, or take a stand and fight for what you want. When has that ever happened to me... *sigh* The casualties of chance  are decisive for sure, spun by the true artist.
             So whether by chance, by reason, by emotion or by fate, we tie our destinies to a sinking boat... There is always gonna be different seas, different oceans, different storms and corny enough sunsets to make the voyage pretty awesome. Probably God created the oceans, so that as human beings when we stare into their endless depths, the reflection would often remind us that what we see, is only biased by our own perception... A reflection that is as deep as the ocean itself, way too complicated for us to comprehend. Some of us are strong, strong enough to wonder the treacherous seas, others like me hope that such waters never appear before me. Cowardly as that may seem, given the option we'd all prefer a smooth sail...

       In the end...
            Tears will always be the fate of many...
            The smiles of the optimistic few...
            The worries of the anal worrisome...
       May invade the earth...
       Despite this cruel destiny,
            I ask not for my happiness...
            I ask not for privilage or any wishes...
            But for an opportunity to...
                   To inspire someone else,
                   To love many...
                   To be the world's greatest dad...
                   To be compassionate and giving...
                   To be responsible for my life, and the opportunity to be...
                         The man that I am suppose to be...

       Righteous, I am not, all I ask from God is to forgive me for my plentiful mistakes and misconceptions. My words probably carry some simple truths from some crappy moments I had to live through. Just be ready to leap into whatever may come your way...

                  Whatever fortunes and misfortunes await me....
                         I hope I am as strong as you may be...
                               & value the gifted moments...
                       Remember the stones I toppled over...
                      And smile about the ones I hopped over...
                  Laugh crazy hard and make you laugh as much...
                            Thank you for loving me as I am...
                                         I love you tooo!!!
                                         And Thank you...
                   For being my conscience, my true conscience,
                          Cause I will always look to you...

By Yoshith Perera