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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Moody mUCH?

Everybody tends to be moody at some junction in their journey in life. It’s pretty much a requirement to be moody, to be the norm. A requirement that often must occur several times a year or to the special people several times a week... Maybe there is a direct correlation with stress and family life, the weight of kids going to college, the cost of private schools and overall family life. Some might say having a significant other in your life might lessen the burden. It’s quite true, given the person is not a douche bag and he/she actually helps to make those shoulders feel less heavy. On the other hand, the person may also unfortunately make those shoulders of yours, feel much much MUCH heavier!
I’m not a parent, so I cannot comment of the stress a mother/ a father must feel with regard to the life their child leads. The fear that they might not be accomplished or fail in the process of school etc must be daunting. However as a student who will soon be starting his journey in graduate studies I find that parents can often be more stressed out about your life than you are. It makes sense, after all they fear for our future. I find that I am as a person quite relaxed with regard to a lot of things... Don’t get me wrong, I am most terrified about life and the explicit uncertainties it holds. But I also understand that the majority of things in my life are out of my control. If i stress about it, only I will feel the torment of it. It is likely that I will share much of the torment with my family but nothing will be accomplished at such. The only thing that would come out of it, would be a possible organic symptom of diarrhoea or constipation or if you’re extremely unlucky an organic disorder.
What I mean by moody is the negative emotional reactions a person expresses as a result of the stress they feel during the day. From emotional stress to physical stress, the person you become to the world may be quite off-putting. None of us likes to hang out with cranky Susie from work or pessimistic George from school. As human beings, we all want to be drenched in positive energy, even cranky Susie and pessimistic George. We are attracted to enthusiastic environments even the most corny ones.
The point that I am trying to make is that being in a good mood regardless of what the world is throwing at you only makes you healthier. Disease, death, financial burdens and the sorrows of intimate relationships are going to follow us all! Why? Because we all want intimacy, we all want to be wanted and we all wish to find that person we recognize as our soul mate. You may disagree with me, but I doubt you’d agree with me even if you do agree. It’s a corny little secret we tell ourselves.
We cannot control the majority of situations in our lives and we cannot control the migration of people in and out of our social lives but we do have the opportunity to control ourselves to a considerable extent. If you allow yourself to blossom as a person, people WILL notice you and be drawn to YOU regardless of where you are and what you do. The first step to doing this is acknowledging your circumstances in life and acknowledging your mood! You got to get go of those things that hold you back, the fear of the future etc etc ETC!!! These are things you can NO CONTROL over so let them go... STOP stressing over them when they cannot be changed. You will address the situations at a sensible time and at an appropriate time. You never know, circumstances might change and problems may in fact have simpler solutions with time.
Start having fun! Just cause you have 3 kids, a wife and a mortgage doesn’t mean you can’t afford to have fun. You never know when you’re going to drop dead and become manure, so enjoy LIFE! Life is obviously hectic but there’s a ton of movies to watch and other recreational activities that you can adopt. Enjoy the weather, the green outside, especially with global warming and drastic climate changes in the horizon you need to enjoy it till it lasts! Exercise your brain, learn something new! Etudes Francais or study Spanish / German. Exercise your body! You don’t necessarily have to join the gym, join a yoga/ martial arts or even a salsa class, you’re gonna burn calories! And you’re gonna live!!!!!!! You’re also gonna love having fun!
Just because your boss is being an A-HOLE, you don’t have to be an A-HOLE @ home. It might be the just one time and write it off as a possible bad day for him/her. If it however a recurring state of affairs, one must either bring it to the attention of a higher authority, bring it the said individual’s attention that he’s an A-HOLE, quit or address the possibility that you may be an A-HOLE as well. You don’t have to be someone’s punching bag and most importantly you’re not supposed to be anyone’s punching bag. We are all God’s children, whom ever your God maybe. If you’re an atheist, you’re a child of the universe... And I doubt that God or the universe wishes you harm, so don’t allow yourself to be treated like shit. So treat yourself with respect, allow others to only treat you with respect and common decency, and most of all treat others with the same respect and decency...
We are all created equal, we are all made of fresh and blood and we all have feelings. Mental health is one of the most important governing factors of any community, a happy, healthy community fosters a healthy and growing environment. So start with yourself and your family and end with the world... You will obviously get much resistant simply because people can be quite anal about everything!
But think of it this way, if you’re happy and you live a stress free life, a life with less negativity, you will be the first to benefit and you will be the most to benefit!