Please note that the poems, some photographs and the essays on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
The AuDition...
A date is actually kind of like an audition, isn't it??? We often have an idea of what we are looking for, which is actually terribly unfortunate, cuz this idea we all have... is actually based on the people from our past relationships or for the first timers out there, a fairy tale or worse.. A MOVIE... LoL These qualities we so desire are probably the best characteristics about them and well I'm sure if you think about it, they had worse attributes in comparison... These individuals, our exes... "The ones who shall not be named.." continue to inevitably shape the next superstar in our lives.. Despite the emotionally stunted and probable psychopaths in the world we just keep moving on... From one dodo to the other... With a virtual questionnaire in our hands, ticking off boxes in our heads and wishing for the next ideal person to come along...
SOOO after consulting a number of friends, I started putting in to words the random date experiences we've been on... And an astonishing amount of information came to light... So keep reading and humour me for a few mins..
And so it begins the 1st date that could be the last 1st date or the stepping stone to more awkward experiences... But life can be most "bitchy" when it wants to be... However when it starts to play jokes on you!!!! WOW!!! Give it a good old week or more and you could laugh about it for the rest of your life...You ultimately start divulging random pieces of information for absolutely no reason but to stir some curiosity in someones mind!!! What do we think... Hmmmmm... After considering all the factors...
One should probably avoid the following subjects!!! PERIOD!!!!
1. Random traits about an EX!!!
2. A rash you have been experiencing..!!???
3. Weight?? and don't point out unique anatomical features... Duck butts and all....
4. Don't talk about your ideal mate... Thats for your therapist!! :D
5. "How much money do you make??"... MONEY???!!!! REALLY???
6. Do not ask the number!!! The number of people you've dated...
7. Do not ask if they have dated a particular person...
8. Asking about your make up is not a good idea...
9. "I only date Brown people, but your an exception..." LOL
10. "What's up with your nails?"
Everyone's nervous on a first date but...
1.. "Do you know how to spell "Gonorrhoea" "
2. "I think I'm falling for you already!!"
3.. DON'T start with corny nicknames!!! "Sweetheart, Darling, F%#$tard!!"
4. I know what we could name our babies....!!!!!!!
5. "I think I LOVE U!!!!!!!"
6. We should try yoga together...
7. You could lose some weight...
8. We should SKYPE later!!! LOL
Things to avoid doing!!!!
1. Playing with your phone...
2. Checking out the server!!
3. Yawning!!!!
4. Don't consume the other persons face... THAT'S NOT KISSING!! Ohhhh I must blog about the awkward kisses I've heard, seen and experienced!! lol
The Richter scale has no bearing what so ever on these types of intriguing factual topics of conversation but should they be measured I'd see a Tsunami coming... How would you respond to such atrocities?? STAND up and walk TALL unless you need a ride back home.. If you get past the 1st 30 min!!! CongratS!!! Either you've stood someone long enough to get the hell outta there or your actually having fun!!!
At the end of the day, you should just be yourself... Everyone's different... Nobodies perfect... But everyone's HUMAN!!! So there's always hope that the right person will come along...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The WorLD I sEE...
Hyper @ 4AM
There's often little to do at 4 am in the morning... After reading 20 odd pages on Medical Obstetrics and completing a bunch of questions, you'd expect me to be quite sleepy... YES, I AM A NERD!!!! I do ask myself why sometimes, but I guess its a personality trait. Unfortunately I'm quite hyper and in dire need of some awesome music to rock to... Been rocking to "Ai Se Eu Te Pego", "Blow Me One Last Kiss" and "Titanium" for the past few minutes... Ever feel like jumping around the room acting like a teenager high on pot... Been there!!!! Well music does that to me, ALL THE TIME!!!! Ultimately leading to the point where a family member taps on the door to ask me if I'm having a breakdown...
Despite the ultra hyper resonance going around, in my room of course.. The only thing missing right now is a great abundance of rain fall like last night... What would you do if you felt like you could do anything!!!! RIGHT NOW????
1 Would you try bungee jumping off your roof?? Provided that it would be 100% safe, I would totally do it!!!
2 Would you jump around till you break a piece of furniture??? DONE Dat already :P :P
3 Would you Egg your EX??? Wish I could!! LoL
4 Would you try random dance moves from funky youtube video?? And now I have a cramp :P
5 Would you get completely muddy and wet in the rain?? Wish I did dat yesterday...
Well I thought I'd bore you with one of my boring rantings for a change. Just came across the Coke Commercial for the London 2012 Olympics, I must say I love the beat!!!! Take a listen to the 4 min clip if you get a chance...Wellllllll I'm off to break more furniture :D ;) :)
GOOD NYTE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
The Fortune Cookie goes DARK...
My recent lack of a social life and a sudden increase in Chinese cuisine got me thinking about fortune cookies. My issue with the fortune cookies was that every single one of them was filled with a gooey, marshmallow-like message, spitting out rainbows and what not. Considering the fact that every single one I've had over the past year has provided me with hugs and kisses, is quite positively nauseating... Even my stupid phone app keeps farting out inspiration. .. AND YES! I have a fortune cookie phone app... GO ahead JUDGE me!!
1st of all, let me just say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with so much positive thinking in the world, all we need is more actually...In fact they lift my spirits up now and then when I'm in one of my moods... But to simply satisfy my curiosity, lets just imagine that I created a dark fortune cookie... WOULD YOU be willing to open one of those after a delicious meal in a rather dim lit ambiance?? Just a thought..
Obviously they won't come true... They would most definitely have the same probability as a sweet fortune cookie.. "That sounded soo wrong..." They would be a little sassy and a tiny bit dark.
A pinch of pepper, maybe add a little bit of darkness in there and some ripened words of wisdom and what do you have? NOT your grandma... But a Dark Fortune Cookie capable of such untold potential.
And sooooo my mind was rather impelled to come up with a few... cookie statements..??! Lemme try...
"When one door closes, Remember to lock the damn door..."
"Reading this fortune is not gonna help you, Try another..."
"Can't find a date?? Try the other gender"
"Today your life may change, for you and everybody else... Get in line.."
"Feeling a bit itchy??? Shame on you!!"
"Got a happy pill? You may need one!! After all your reading your fortune.."
A little darkness can be fun but you need to keep an open mind and you must have a sense of humour. I read my daily cookie a while ago... It reads "A friend is a present you give yourself".. The funny thing is I keep having to return these gifts...
Well enjoy your weekend everyone!!!! May the Cookies be AWESOME!!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Everyones got one... Except for the very few who have been blessed enough to find the one on the first go... Well I wrote this for someone very special... Someone who felt the need to ask me, to find her recent lover and express to him... Her untold affections of timeless love... WHO DOES THAT???!!!! Who asks their ex to tell the person they are seeing that "they miss em!!"... Anywayz I wrote this a while back and I thought I might share this with everyone... Lemme knw what you think..
Sometimes goodbyes are not even worth it...
HoPE SpringS.. WaTcHED IT!!
Watched it yet? You Should! I DID!
But DO NOT go with your parents... Just saying... It may get AWKWARD, LOL
It was not exactly what I expected, but all in all it was a rather priceless motion picture... Meryl Streep proves yet again her versatility in cinema... And Tommy Lee Jones was just so comfortable with Meryl. Their chemistry was just so awkwardly HILARIOUS!!! It's not your typical romantic comedy but it was refreshing to see something different, the same old story from a different point of view... Granted the intimate moments may have been a tiny bit too vivid, the movie like all movies!! Restores confidence in love and all that jazz... And before I forget Steve Carell was awesome as always...
Let's talk reality for a minute... If two people could try to restore a marriage to its original prestige condition and actually achieve that goal... That gives me faith that I'd probably have a sex life by the time I turn 50... Which is of course a good thing... :P All jokes aside the movie was an interesting look at the erosions, time and life makes on a relationship... I enjoyed it very much... A good 7/10 on the YoYo scale... From bananas to sausages, white wine to red and from golf to actual anniversary gifts..
WATCH IT already!
Well only if you want to...
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Sometimes life can get very very boring....
Sometimes day dreaming can be sooooo much fun!!!!
Sometimes an adventure can all be in your head...
Call me crazy or what not...
But I'm having more fun ryte now!!!
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My bunny Rabbit!!! |
The party often starts in our very own mind... The hats and crowns are just my way of enjoying the moment. A picture captures a moment but the inferences you may come to from simply looking at it depends... on your state of mind... or perhaps even your personality... But If you smile after looking at them... I'm sure I achieved my goal!!
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ME n My SistERS |
Witchy Witchy...
Soooo in class we had a small project a few weeks back... Where we had to pick a random person.. Anyone!!! and kind of write a whole speech about them, as to why they should probably receive an award - The Personality of the YEAR Award... Well I picked Betty White... Guess who won???!!! IT WAS CINDERELLA
Cindy Girl
Was ghost rider an amazing movie or what??? I would not call myself a fan but the movie was relatively gr8.. but the sequel... Nah!!! not to my liking at all!!!!
When your a teenager the world seems very cruel to some of at least... To ease the pressure parents often buy you a car, a phone... or some just give you a great pep talk and tell you "You are just amazing, JUST the way U are!!!"... We were all amazing just the way we were!!!! Well I got a pep talk and a puppy... Who grew up with me, who was always around, who became my best friend!!! But life never stops... for anyone...
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Me and my BRO... " I MISS U !!!! " |
Soooo.... Why not start with a Smile!! Simply cause you can!!
By Yoshith Perera
Dream a Dream...
It is said that darkness must fall,
So that light may rain,
It is said that when one falls in love,
Nothing else may seem the same,
It's hard to feel,
When one is numb,
As silence dwells where there once was none...
When time can hold your heart hostage,
To what you felt dear,
Never knowing, what is?
Until of course, you close your eyes,
Forever oblivious, until seen...
Memories have shades,
Some bright, but others fade,
It's hard to hold on to the moments,
Especially those which bring pain,
But one day when you trip over a pebble,
Sometimes you end up falling into someone,
Someone who puts the sun to shame,
Someone to whom I may say...
When the stars forget to shine,I'll be right by your side,&When you forget to dream,I will share my dreams with you...When you need me,I will never look away,Cause when life gets real tough,I will hold your hand all the way...
Yoshith Perera
Sunday, August 05, 2012
"What" and "if" have the capacity to be mutually exclusive but once you put them together, they have the power to induce severe distress. At least that is what I have heard... If your a person like me, who often dwells in the possibilities of distorted moments, you would find yourself in the same predicament. The questions we want the answers to, are the answers right in front of us this whole time. Being human and all, the emotional factor comes in to play and simply clouds all logical thought. "This is why I can't follow my own freaking advice!!" The capacity to throw logic out the window and feel everything, is truly the meaning of being human...
The possibilities are endless in this forever invariable journey we call life. The impossibilities continuing to twist the outcomes in the favour of god knows who... Disney has continued to screw my idea of love... At times I think.. What if I gave us another go, threw caution to the wind, simply give you my heart and given our story a second chance..?? A story I could tell my grandchildren, of course excluding the intimate details... Well my blooming life could not have fallen further from the happily ever after tree. Our lives are not fairy tales and so I keep telling myself...
What happens when "what if" is not what you want to hear. The difference between writing and living is just that... In this world of elf tales and gummy bears, we rarely get the opportunity to edit the ending of our film stripes to soothe our most troubling conclusions. Once again being human has its perks... With sooo much PRIDE... When reality steps in, we all have a choice... Ultimately we can choose to merely drift by as the planet balances out its yin and yang, or take a stand and fight for what you want. When has that ever happened to me... *sigh* The casualties of chance are decisive for sure, spun by the true artist.
So whether by chance, by reason, by emotion or by fate, we tie our destinies to a sinking boat... There is always gonna be different seas, different oceans, different storms and corny enough sunsets to make the voyage pretty awesome. Probably God created the oceans, so that as human beings when we stare into their endless depths, the reflection would often remind us that what we see, is only biased by our own perception... A reflection that is as deep as the ocean itself, way too complicated for us to comprehend. Some of us are strong, strong enough to wonder the treacherous seas, others like me hope that such waters never appear before me. Cowardly as that may seem, given the option we'd all prefer a smooth sail...
In the end...
Tears will always be the fate of many...
The smiles of the optimistic few...
The worries of the anal worrisome...
May invade the earth...
Despite this cruel destiny,
I ask not for my happiness...
I ask not for privilage or any wishes...
But for an opportunity to...
To inspire someone else,
To love many...
To be the world's greatest dad...
To be compassionate and giving...
To be responsible for my life, and the opportunity to be...
The man that I am suppose to be...
Righteous, I am not, all I ask from God is to forgive me for my plentiful mistakes and misconceptions. My words probably carry some simple truths from some crappy moments I had to live through. Just be ready to leap into whatever may come your way...
The possibilities are endless in this forever invariable journey we call life. The impossibilities continuing to twist the outcomes in the favour of god knows who... Disney has continued to screw my idea of love... At times I think.. What if I gave us another go, threw caution to the wind, simply give you my heart and given our story a second chance..?? A story I could tell my grandchildren, of course excluding the intimate details... Well my blooming life could not have fallen further from the happily ever after tree. Our lives are not fairy tales and so I keep telling myself...
What happens when "what if" is not what you want to hear. The difference between writing and living is just that... In this world of elf tales and gummy bears, we rarely get the opportunity to edit the ending of our film stripes to soothe our most troubling conclusions. Once again being human has its perks... With sooo much PRIDE... When reality steps in, we all have a choice... Ultimately we can choose to merely drift by as the planet balances out its yin and yang, or take a stand and fight for what you want. When has that ever happened to me... *sigh* The casualties of chance are decisive for sure, spun by the true artist.
So whether by chance, by reason, by emotion or by fate, we tie our destinies to a sinking boat... There is always gonna be different seas, different oceans, different storms and corny enough sunsets to make the voyage pretty awesome. Probably God created the oceans, so that as human beings when we stare into their endless depths, the reflection would often remind us that what we see, is only biased by our own perception... A reflection that is as deep as the ocean itself, way too complicated for us to comprehend. Some of us are strong, strong enough to wonder the treacherous seas, others like me hope that such waters never appear before me. Cowardly as that may seem, given the option we'd all prefer a smooth sail...
In the end...
Tears will always be the fate of many...
The smiles of the optimistic few...
The worries of the anal worrisome...
May invade the earth...
Despite this cruel destiny,
I ask not for my happiness...
I ask not for privilage or any wishes...
But for an opportunity to...
To inspire someone else,
To love many...
To be the world's greatest dad...
To be compassionate and giving...
To be responsible for my life, and the opportunity to be...
The man that I am suppose to be...
Righteous, I am not, all I ask from God is to forgive me for my plentiful mistakes and misconceptions. My words probably carry some simple truths from some crappy moments I had to live through. Just be ready to leap into whatever may come your way...
Whatever fortunes and misfortunes await me....
I hope I am as strong as you may be...
& value the gifted moments...
Remember the stones I toppled over...
And smile about the ones I hopped over...
Laugh crazy hard and make you laugh as much...
Thank you for loving me as I am...
I love you tooo!!!
And Thank you...
For being my conscience, my true conscience,
Cause I will always look to you...
By Yoshith Perera
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
When you’re not around, i try to find you,
When i can’t find you, i reach for the phone,
When i don’t hear from you, i try to find you in my mind,
Then it hits me...
I m falling for you...
When i can’t find you, i reach for the phone,
When i don’t hear from you, i try to find you in my mind,
Then it hits me...
I m falling for you...
I see your smile when i need to smile,
I try to remember our last kiss when i m alone,
I remember your eyes when i scan the skies,
I close my eyes and there you are, smiling back at me,
I reach for your hand when i open my eyes,
Only to hold loneliness beside me...
I try to remember our last kiss when i m alone,
I remember your eyes when i scan the skies,
I close my eyes and there you are, smiling back at me,
I reach for your hand when i open my eyes,
Only to hold loneliness beside me...
An aching feeling inside me,
Something I’ve known before but try not to name,
I wish I could tell you this feeling,
But I fear I may overwhelms thee...
Something I’ve known before but try not to name,
I wish I could tell you this feeling,
But I fear I may overwhelms thee...
Matters of the heart have baffled even those before me,
And the question remains...
How can i tell you that...
And the question remains...
How can i tell you that...
I rather lie with you than live a thousand lives,
I rather taste your lips than taste water itself,
I rather hug you than anyone else,
But the question still lingers...
I rather taste your lips than taste water itself,
I rather hug you than anyone else,
But the question still lingers...
No word... No verse... Nothing describes this feeling...
Someone once told me...
Wear not... your heart on your sleeve...
For it can be easily stolen...
But a heart can only be stolen,
If you let it be...
By Yoshith Perera
Frozen Words...
Memories do stick around... Once in a while you remember...
I'd never have dreamt my life the way it is now,I had no vision of what lied ahead, But the blur I'd see from the corner of my eye,
A journey in ignorance we all started, Would define us all in time to come,
So a risk i took and the 1st step forward I walked with pride and humility,
The only thing on my mind was home,
The very last thing on my mind was my future,
Away from what felt familiar,
Closer to the footsteps laid before me,
Lay many questions with no simple answers,
Memories of what i had left behind would consume my heart,
And so i would be the shadow of my work, To forget what was not before me,
Time would pass and my life would change,
Seasons would come and go, Each washing off its color around me,
Feeling the first winter's cold began to freeze my dreams,
But life would bring me closer to new faces,
I would call but a few.. "Best friends",
And before i knew it, As i leaned on their shoulders,
Happiness would be by my door,
Clouds sailed across these dark skies,
Staring in to my life, Poking its nose into my sorrows,
Knowing the life i lead, Revealing the fate i seek,
"Life" they say is pretty simple,
Only to those who care about this moment,
We share right now,
Its the single thing unraveled to none,
Hearts would be pierced by arrows,
Leaving no scar but endless bleeding,
Sense had no place there,
Disarray was the best comfort,
God's messages were questioned,
Only to be answered with patience,
Priorities stretched over time,
Undermined by others, Expected by elders,
Every step we took, Every choice we made,
Lite a candle, Paving its path,
In search of direction, Filled with hope,
No emotion was hidden, And no love was untold,
Some memories were made,
By the hearts we knew, By the games we played,
Some lessons were learned,
As an example to life, As a right of passage,
Bonds were made, Bonds were broken,
Lies were told, Tears were shed,
The truth unfolded, And masks were worn,
But as far as life goes,
There's always an opportunity,
An opportunity to forgive,
A chance to forget,
A wish to move on,
And be friends,
Till the end...
Forever recollecting our smiles...
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