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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Face value...


       As human beings, loneliness continues to haunt the multitude of people. To be honest, even I feel that at times. But single life is really nothing to be afraid of. Considering the constant stream of work, friends and volunteering that I've got piled up in my life, I'm happy. Not to mention my love of music and the MOVIES!! If one can find happiness by oneself, then they can truly find happiness with another. And with so much happening in our lives how do we even find the time to meet people? Well one way or the other when we do find ourselves on a date, the fireworks do vary!

I was listening to this while I wrote this post... It put me in the right mood... If you like "The Saturdays" listen while you read...

    Some dates feel amazing with great chemistry, others come across less amazing in comparison. It's human to compare and in fact it's logical. If you're looking to end up with someone, it would only make sense to find that one person you could rant with all day. So why did I bring up the concept of face value in this post?

        When we like someone, we invest in them emotionally. It's almost like we sync with their iTunes app. But that's only if they like us back the same way. What if they don't like us the same way? What if they are confused or just screwed up in general? What if we are investing in a bowl of crap, that's just waiting to hit us in the face on our way out? Well that's definitely a lot of "What if's" and no man or woman on earth could ever fathom every possible outcome in these situations...

        I've been in this situation countless times! It happens when you're a hopeless romantic and have a tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve. Regardless I'm no saint, I've probably done the same thing to another unknowing innocent. Why? I don't know... Maybe cause I was burnt the first time, or possibly because I wasn't really ready or just plain insane... So what exactly is the clue to maybe not get heartbroken as much?

      Take things at FACE VALUE my friends! What a person says and does, doesn't carry completely different meanings or alternate twisted thoughts.... Perhaps in that one in a million exception but not most of the time... If they don't call you soon after the first date, they probably aren't invested as they should be. If something is meant to be, it will be. Stop thinking of scenarios why they didn't call! You don't have to stick around at home waiting for the phone to ring or get a text message from them. If they want to be "just friends", it means they only want to be your friend! Only FRIENDSHIP is on the table. Life is way too short to be wondering about someone whose definitely not worth your TIME!

     The reason why we don't get the message across so vividly is because most people don't want to hurt another person. But it ends up hurting someone way more... As Homo sapiens we want love, we want that feeling that makes one feel like they are home... "Feeling complete" and all that corny stuff... Exactly where they are suppose to be... We can't really blame someone else for our expectations, can we? Miscommunication is a direct result of the lack of "GUTS" and honesty... Think of it this way... If you truly like someone and think of them in the long run... How would you treat them? "The Answer" to that question is what YOU should be looking for... It's definitely not easy! But will be worth it? WHAT IF you never tried?

"Every time I thought I'd never find a love like ours, I've been proven wrong... But only cause I gave somebody else a chance..."
- Yoshith Perera 

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