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Sunday, November 18, 2012

The quarter-LIFE Crisis...


             On the 23rd of November, I, Yoshith will turn 25... Turning 25 means that you have clearly lived 1/4th of your life already, that is provided that one actually lives to be a 100... I, myself hope not and in that case I might have lived way more than a quarter of my life already... Well that's a personal preference whether or not to live that long... Of course one shouldn't attempt suicide and one must take into account the possibility of a drunk driver running you over or an asteroid smashing in to your head... The chances of that happening, the latter, is even more rarer than getting hit by lightening... The drunk driver scenario does have a higher probability... But hey there's always the heart issues and what not that can get you!!...                 
                       According to wiki, there is something called a quarter-life crisis, which is basically the stress of adulthood getting to you, making you doubt yourself and your life choices... At first I thought, "you've got to be kidding me!!!!, there's no such thing as a quarter-life crisis..." But on further reflection of oneself, there might be some truth to this matter... Considering the fact that over the years of countless affairs, psychotic significant others and the obvious effects of raging hormones can really stirr things up, the stress of it all is the least of anyone's problems...
        So how do we stupidos cope???!!!! We change our hair, tint it or sometimes cut it all off!! Some of us pierce something!! We nose dive in to relationships which have absolutely no future... Some of us choose to have that experimental phase in life.. And the unlikely few find it very difficult to cope and may do something quite stupid... Regardless, our lives are a big fat balloon full of stink waiting to burst over and over ago... And what do I say to a quarter-life crisis, NOTHING!!! I'd probably show it a funny finger and have an amazing night out with my friends.... If your gonna label everything around you... Life's probably gonna get wayyyy shorter!!!

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