The human race clearly has many issues, we govern ourselves biasly on a stage of creative differences. Separated by oceans, imaginary lines we call borders, religion and color, despite the rantings of the one's we bestow power upon. There is only one true banner and that is the banner of man, under the banner "EARTH".
Being a Buddhist, I know what Buddhism stands for. It is not a religion, it is a philosophy guiding us on a road to enlightenment. I would definitely be one of the least rehearsed individuals on the subject but I know that it does not call for discrimination, nor does it call for such acts in it's name. At this very moment, people continue to destroy temples and places of worship, simply to make a point. A point that is currently being made in South-East Asia, between the Muslim and Buddhist communities. I am unaware of who threw the first blow, but clearly there is room for logic. Unfortunately there isn't any point to be made. There's only rage built on the words of disturbed people. Individuals who choose to twist the words of religious texts, to employ great violence into the world.
In the end, there is only death that remains. You fight over these ideals, the one's we call religion. But clearly you have never learnt them or believed in them. Cause if you did, you wouldn't be leaving so much hate behind...
Sometimes I look up and just wonder why?
Why people are the way they are?
Why some people are apparently better than others?
Why we say we are free, when we aren't... We aren't free from the worst of ourselves... Simply because of our creative differences...
Being human is ridiculing others over their anatomical differences, their losses, their cultures, their languages, their Gods, their freedoms, their families and their voices... We have come so far over centuries of great disaster. But now it seems like the very people capable of inspiring great change and great strides are the only people holding back. Only to save themselves... Only to save their own...
We forget that we aren't all impenetrable, that money cannot buy a new world or that we can't reverse global warming. The World Health Organization called 2012 the 9th warmest year so far and that doesn't inspire much confidence considering the world isn't cutting down on the use of fossil fuels. On the contrary it's use and demand are only increasing, and the Arctic is only becoming smaller.
Being human is cutting down the rain forests, extinguishing life that is not human, polluting rivers, causing the extinction of other animals on grand scales and one fine day... Maybe just destroy the planet we call home, the place we call Earth.
If there was ever a need for divine intervention, it is now... The people of our world are clearly too preoccupied in their nuclear weapons and foolish wars to look at the bigger picture. The one that counts... A picture with our future in it...