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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Stars say...

      Would you believe it, if someone read your palm and spoke of the future? Would you read the section of the newspaper detailing the life of Gemini? Over the centuries, individuals have claimed to see our futures, may it be death that would soon knock on the door or dramatic life changes that would come to be... Being Sri Lankan, I know the dynamics of how this astrological story comes about... Not the exact mechanism of it, but more like the fall out... People would often consult someone whose got an PhD in this area, before getting engaged or even married. It is a common practice of the masses, especially in Sri Lanka and I'm told India as well... The stars have spoken that "The 2 of you are not compatible..." or "That if you 2 get married you may have devil babies..." or perhaps " If the 2 of you actually go through with this, one of you may actually die or kill each other in order to survive..."
         Do you believe in horoscopes?? Would you place your faith in the stars?? Would you live by the inscriptions written in your palms... The science of it all maybe fact, it may also be fiction... Who knows? The question is that, if it were this simple, why isn't everybody doing it. Well in my experience and those of my friends, it's a practice of the parents... Maybe it's a sign of surety that they no longer need to worry about their children. Unfortunately I don't think it's that simple... Take the western culture of astrology, they aren't so specific and only the minority of people would actually put any faith on the science.
          All it usually says is that for example; Lets see... I'm gonna read some stars...
If you're a Sagittarius your bound to start experimenting with animals to create the one true species, or mutate yourself in to half a goat...
Or if you're a Gemini, it's time to start experimenting or an interest of the dramatic arts are in order.
Aries - You may have a superiority complex or a love of S&M.
Cancer - Are you addicted to self mutilation?
Libra - You may want to weigh yourself occasionally... Exercise helps...
Aquarius - Watersports? Really???
            All jokes aside... I think life's got a lot to give and if you're going to stick around till someone else tells you what to do... You maybe heading in the wrong direction...

1 comment:

  1. lmao.... exactly my point of view!!! sheesh v gotta liv it n change fate not liv accordin to a piece of paper!!!
