Please note that the poems, some photographs and the essays on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the author's permission.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Dreaming a nightmare...

So far, over the 25 years I've been alive, I've had sooo many amazing dreams while I was asleep, that I couldn't remember. The perfect day, winning the lottery, the perfect date, the perfect wet... you know! Just glimpses unfortunately of what was probably an amazing dream! For some reason I am 90% of the time unable to recall my dreams, call it a short attention span or just mere luck!
Dreaming up a nightmare would be the last on my wish list... I'd rather wish not to dream up such a thing... The world we live in, is starting to become more and more different, it is starting to shape in to something I cannot understand.
When I was growing up, I was extremely lost, call it puberty! hormones! the whole shebang! But after med school and tons of volunteering etc... The world started to get extremely challenging which I kinda liked. But now, as I'm shown my way in to a world that looks upon our universe in a much different light. I am afraid! WHY? Because of the way human existence is starting to shape itself... Another species goes extinct and what do we do? We keep going... moving on... like nothing every happened... Who grieves for the fallen if they are not as humane as we are? The question is... Are we then humane?
Dreams? Nightmares... The world keeps turning inevitably out of our control, the powers that state they are in control have absolutely no control of it. They simple try as they must to control it, but with such demand and need and growing populations we are nearing an edge... to a cliff... that keeps growing in height... higher and higher... They do say "The higher you climb... the harder you fall..." We have not fallen yet...
Sigh... What am I to do?? One man?
Well I think I have hope... Which is why I wrote this post... I have hope that those who read this post would reflect on their yesterdays and change their tomorrows. We cannot live the way we live and hope that our children will not meet the consequences. It doesn't work that way.... Father your courage and raise your voice, for if you do not... Mother nature will surely rest... She will rest in peace forever...
Start with a few 50 steps... But there will always be more things to do!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Father ≠ Dad

Just a random poem I put together over the years... Hope you guys like it...

When I was young,
You were suppose to be there...
To lift me up,
To break my fall
To keep me safe,
To be my dad...
I was always,
Surrounded by love,
You weren't there,
But others stepped up,
To be my angels,
To be my avengers,
To be my family...
I grew up sheltered,
I grew up wanted,
I grew up with amazing people,
Flooding me with love,
You only came by,
Only with convenience,
Only with broken promises...
Being a parent,
Isn't a part time job,
It isn't just a call on birthdays,
It's wanting more for them,
It's being more, just for them,
That much I knew,
That much I know...
A decade later,
You call me your own,
You advise me more,
I may see you speaking,
Dear father,
But I don't see my dad,
Cause when mine left,
A long ago,
He never came back...

All I see now,
Is a stranger,
All I see now
Is a label...
By Yoshith Perera

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Moody mUCH?

Everybody tends to be moody at some junction in their journey in life. It’s pretty much a requirement to be moody, to be the norm. A requirement that often must occur several times a year or to the special people several times a week... Maybe there is a direct correlation with stress and family life, the weight of kids going to college, the cost of private schools and overall family life. Some might say having a significant other in your life might lessen the burden. It’s quite true, given the person is not a douche bag and he/she actually helps to make those shoulders feel less heavy. On the other hand, the person may also unfortunately make those shoulders of yours, feel much much MUCH heavier!
I’m not a parent, so I cannot comment of the stress a mother/ a father must feel with regard to the life their child leads. The fear that they might not be accomplished or fail in the process of school etc must be daunting. However as a student who will soon be starting his journey in graduate studies I find that parents can often be more stressed out about your life than you are. It makes sense, after all they fear for our future. I find that I am as a person quite relaxed with regard to a lot of things... Don’t get me wrong, I am most terrified about life and the explicit uncertainties it holds. But I also understand that the majority of things in my life are out of my control. If i stress about it, only I will feel the torment of it. It is likely that I will share much of the torment with my family but nothing will be accomplished at such. The only thing that would come out of it, would be a possible organic symptom of diarrhoea or constipation or if you’re extremely unlucky an organic disorder.
What I mean by moody is the negative emotional reactions a person expresses as a result of the stress they feel during the day. From emotional stress to physical stress, the person you become to the world may be quite off-putting. None of us likes to hang out with cranky Susie from work or pessimistic George from school. As human beings, we all want to be drenched in positive energy, even cranky Susie and pessimistic George. We are attracted to enthusiastic environments even the most corny ones.
The point that I am trying to make is that being in a good mood regardless of what the world is throwing at you only makes you healthier. Disease, death, financial burdens and the sorrows of intimate relationships are going to follow us all! Why? Because we all want intimacy, we all want to be wanted and we all wish to find that person we recognize as our soul mate. You may disagree with me, but I doubt you’d agree with me even if you do agree. It’s a corny little secret we tell ourselves.
We cannot control the majority of situations in our lives and we cannot control the migration of people in and out of our social lives but we do have the opportunity to control ourselves to a considerable extent. If you allow yourself to blossom as a person, people WILL notice you and be drawn to YOU regardless of where you are and what you do. The first step to doing this is acknowledging your circumstances in life and acknowledging your mood! You got to get go of those things that hold you back, the fear of the future etc etc ETC!!! These are things you can NO CONTROL over so let them go... STOP stressing over them when they cannot be changed. You will address the situations at a sensible time and at an appropriate time. You never know, circumstances might change and problems may in fact have simpler solutions with time.
Start having fun! Just cause you have 3 kids, a wife and a mortgage doesn’t mean you can’t afford to have fun. You never know when you’re going to drop dead and become manure, so enjoy LIFE! Life is obviously hectic but there’s a ton of movies to watch and other recreational activities that you can adopt. Enjoy the weather, the green outside, especially with global warming and drastic climate changes in the horizon you need to enjoy it till it lasts! Exercise your brain, learn something new! Etudes Francais or study Spanish / German. Exercise your body! You don’t necessarily have to join the gym, join a yoga/ martial arts or even a salsa class, you’re gonna burn calories! And you’re gonna live!!!!!!! You’re also gonna love having fun!
Just because your boss is being an A-HOLE, you don’t have to be an A-HOLE @ home. It might be the just one time and write it off as a possible bad day for him/her. If it however a recurring state of affairs, one must either bring it to the attention of a higher authority, bring it the said individual’s attention that he’s an A-HOLE, quit or address the possibility that you may be an A-HOLE as well. You don’t have to be someone’s punching bag and most importantly you’re not supposed to be anyone’s punching bag. We are all God’s children, whom ever your God maybe. If you’re an atheist, you’re a child of the universe... And I doubt that God or the universe wishes you harm, so don’t allow yourself to be treated like shit. So treat yourself with respect, allow others to only treat you with respect and common decency, and most of all treat others with the same respect and decency...
We are all created equal, we are all made of fresh and blood and we all have feelings. Mental health is one of the most important governing factors of any community, a happy, healthy community fosters a healthy and growing environment. So start with yourself and your family and end with the world... You will obviously get much resistant simply because people can be quite anal about everything!
But think of it this way, if you’re happy and you live a stress free life, a life with less negativity, you will be the first to benefit and you will be the most to benefit!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The crows... Part 3

#FWF Free Write Friday: Famous Last Words
“All people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the
morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous
people, For they dream their dreams with open eyes, And make them come
- D.H. Lawrence
My brother recited a verse off a poem by D.H. Lawrence as per the Perera family tradition at the weekly brunch table. Fortunately it was one of my favourites, so I tolerated his corniness for once without my usual constant interruptions. The table was set with my grandmother's favorite linen tablecloth, with lavish silver embroidery. My mother's silver tableware crowded the table, the ones she had brought here to Canada when we migrated. My family would usually lay out the fine china when we had important company and especially when they wanted to impress someone. Well in this situation, it was the Fernando family... Outside by the deck overlooking the peaceful lake is where we would usually entertain, provided the weather was great. Mother nature was seemingly kind to us over the last couple of days, the sky was calm with much blue and few grey clouds. The Sun was at it's peak but not too warm, as the wind picked up the gentle cool air. It was a good day to be outside.

The Fernando family was another traditional Sri Lankan family living in the city of Brampton whom unfortunately had 2 single daughters. The misfortune was my brother's and mine as they were looking to get hitched. Which meant either my brother or I was about to get pimped out by my grandmother. As my mother started to pour champagne into the glassware, it was now my turn to share with the family and guests something I found fascinating. This was an interesting form of entertainment my step dad found crucial to add on to our Sunday morning festivities. A form of entertainment my brother and I would try to mock most of the time with unusually gruesome facts. But considering the fact that there was a 99.99% chance of being the one pimped out! I decided to share a few medical facts with our boring audience.
"So... I went to the doctor yesterday and guess what!? I have IBS! That's irritable bowel syndrome for those who had no clue what is was. I guess I would be enjoying a lot of flatulence from now on... Cheers!! Back to you Joseph!"
My grandmother almost choked on her bread while my mother spat out her champagne on to my brother, Yoshi's face. The Fernando's were rather surprised by my proclamation but my step dad was beyond furious. I think one of the girls felt nauseous while the other found it funny. Now there's a girl after my own heart, one with a good sense of humor. My attention was quickly drawn to my step dad who was either about to explode due to the intense anger he was bottling up or suffering from a bout of constipation. His eyebrows were directed toward his nose as his forehead wrinkled like an old ladies' macerated skin. Staring at my face with his habitual look of disapproval, he implied his disgust. That was nothing new to me! Mr. Fernando being one of his close work buddies, Joseph probably felt embarrassed by my act of oversharing.

My brother, on the other hand was drenched in a mixture of saliva and champagne, yet he couldn't help but snigger after seeing Joseph's face. My grandma was amazing at defusing potential family calamities like this, after seeing the old demon's face she jumped in with an awkward shrill of a laugh. 
Personally I felt like she had swallowed that ugly cat of hers.
"My grandson can be quite the joker. Well let's not get distracted by his charm... Let us toast to our health and get to this lovely meal Joeanna has prepared for us."
"CHEERS!" roared the masses and suddenly the spoons, forks and knifes started to clutter the dishes. Devouring the meat, potatoes and the immense variety of cooked vegetables, my mum had prepared was a prerogative for me, especially after I moved out of the house. My cooking was still under crucial implementation, which my mum knew. A fact I was quite embarrassed about after giving my ex food poisoning. So my mum would always make it a point to prepare a great feast every Sunday when I would visit. Unfortunately for me the dead crow this morning, put me off all the food!
An awkward silence snuck up on all of us as everyone start to occupy their mouths with the food on the table. My mum's food often did that to people, but this was different. The breeze was much colder and I could feel shivers sprint along my skin to my spine. I looked toward the direction of the lake and saw deep grey clouds storm the horizon, like a team of horses galloping toward us. The silence was quickly interrupted by a faint "CAW!".

Then... "caw, cawww CAWWW!!" I would hear them from every direction, a murder of crows every where I'd look.

Friday, August 09, 2013

I ask for...

I cry...
I scream...
I pray...
& I cry...
I ask for reason...
I ask for understanding...
I pray for your grace...
I call for your embrace...
I seek memories...
I seek moments...
I follow those dreams...
Sharing stolen visions...
I ask why them?
& ask why not them?
I ask for more time...
I ask for more life...
I clench on to this faith...
& I fall no more...
I summon much courage...
& seek you in the heavens...
I finally open your book...
& let myself break down...
I remember you...
I will always remember you...
I think of you...
I will always think of you...
With every moment,
That my life grows...
That my spirit glows...
I will look up to you...
So you may see me,
So you may look back down on me...
& forever live in my heart...
& in my life...

By Yoshith Perera

Dedicated to my Aunt...
Who said her goodbyes to us this week...

May your heart,
Be at peace,
May your soul,
Dine an eternal grace...
May your spirit,
Sore to the blissful heavens...
& live in our hearts,
Till our eventual rests...

Saturday, August 03, 2013

The crows... Part 2

#FWF Free Write Friday: Word Bank
This week’s FWF prompt is a word bank:
blanket – falsetto – cumbersome – cinema – coins

Waking up from a nightmare tends to take a toll on you, especially when it's the same one over and over again. But this time it was different, it was more vivid and way more troubling... My own personal horror movie in my head. I blame all of this on my friend, Jenny. She dragged me off to watch "The conjuring" last week and ever since then I've had the worst sleep ever! Unfortunately I can't blame my nightmares on it, they've been around for way longer. It would have been much better if my ghosts mourned with a falsetto voice rather than a real life cinematic experience in my head. Never did I awake, feeling so estranged from reality. My body conscious of the trauma the birds had ravaged, there were bruises everywhere.

Sitting up from bed, I sighed!

"Today's Sunday! Family brunch! My stepdad! Prrrrrrrrrfht....."

Opening the window blinds by my bed, the light just hammered my face thoughtlessly, avenging all the darkness in my room. It was amazing outside, the sky was a blanket of clouds on a light blue sea of possibilities. It always calmed me when I would stare into the universe. Silent, calm and thrilling while the clouds themselves roam the upper atmosphere as if they were guarding someone or something...

It was finally time to take on the cumbersome task of getting ready. Cumbersome because of my mother constantly ranting about how I should and shouldn't dress myself and most importantly because of that troll I call a "Stepfather". He was going to be there, he was going to keep bitching about everything. The coins of money he'd spent on me, what I've got to get done, everything I had to get done and probably more...

I stomached the thought of it all and mindlessly dragged myself into the washroom.

"Shitt!!!!!!" I screeched as I stumbled on something.

A pile of black feathers? Did I go to Jake's costume party last night? Even if I did, I highly doubt that I would wear a head of feathers. On further inspection it was not just a bunch of feathers, but feathers bound to flesh. A crow... To be more precise a dead crow... My bathroom which had no windows harbouring some dead crow...

"Cleaning this up is just gonna take longer..."

Thursday, August 01, 2013

A picture...

Is it what we wanted together?
Or is it just a dream we saw together?
Were they just moments we shared?
Or were we finding ourselves together....
That picture we really wanted,
Sketched by 2,
Painted in reality,
Flawless truths and bitter memories,
For all to see,
On this canvas of reality...
A fortune of hearts,
On this sea of life,
I see...
I meet...
But something's wrong,
For me, it's strange,
I feel...
But not the same...
I fall into you,
In my dreams of you,
I vanquish demons,
& rescue heroes,
All for you,
But I only wake,
To a lonely bed...
A feeling,
This emotion,
Follow the crumbs,
And find me please...
Cause all I do,
Is look over my shoulder,
Waiting for you...

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Laid over your body,
With crimson lips and a cherry tongue...
A broken voice with softened tones...
A human face,
So similar, so normal...
An elastic cover,
That's dry like ice,
A broken vessel,
Filled with tears...
So normal, so human...
Sensible feelings,
On a pliable life...
Manic emotions,
In a drifting dream..
A human reality, a different reality...
A weathering humanity,
Coloured with blood,
Painted hope...
With smeared colors...
A savaged history, A forgotten history...
Like our fathers,
We dream of peace...
But like our fathers,
Our innocence falters,
& the human is lost,
To the inhumane...
Just like the past,
We pretend to learn from...
A broken spirit, A lost one...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The anger...

As I volunteer in an area of social work that brings me into contact with cases of domestic violence... I was inspired to write this poem...

The anger...

Your flesh, Nobody's to abuse,
Your bone, Not there's to break,
Your blood, Not there's to spill,
Your soul, Nobody's to keep...
Your life? Incomparable,
Your choices? No way judged,
The harm, inexcusable...
The silence, a plague...
Your fears, understandable,
Life? Unbreakable...
Your storms, recovering,
Your spirit, indestructible...

By Yoshith Perera

Friday, July 26, 2013

The crows...

My posting for a FWF prompt...
#FWF Free Write Friday: Time & Place Scenario
It’s high noon. Sun blazing. You awake in a field and birds are pecking your skin… GO!

Credit ; Tumblr

It's the same dream again, I awake on a sizzling summer day, the sun burning up everything around it while the clouds try to cover up it's face. Birds pecking on my skin, as if I'm a carcass spread across their brunch table. I get up and the birds just keep going at it, undisturbed by my awkward motion. Like always slapping them doesn't help. I keep walking and stumble across a couple in the middle of the field enjoying the dry hot summer day, in each others arms, enjoying their company. All I see is smiles, soft touches and the beginning of foreplay!
"Not again" I say to myself and turn away from the 2 bodies partly naked...
I wait for the dream to end, cause it's usually at this point that I awake with drenching sweats. But nothing, I'm still here! WTF!
I turn to them to see the young blonde trying to grab something out of the shrubs beside her, a rock? She swings it at the unsuspecting fool whose face is completely engaged with her cleavage. He's struck hard on his temple and pushed to a side. His pain overcomes his reflexes for flight as he adopts a foetal position amongst the crop. He finally succumbs to a large rock that is brought down upon his head by the blonde.
She searches her immediate surroundings with one vast glance... Probably fearing for any witnesses... She suddenly turns to me and sees me... She walks toward me with a forceful gait. Her face, carefree like this murder wasn't her first. But as she walks toward me, I feel myself shrinking, the birds whom were mutilating me, suddenly gone. And I, simply dressed in clothes from my past, when I was only a boy, when I was only 7...
She clothes herself with her final steps toward me, her hair a mess with twigs and dirt, her lipstick smeared and red stains on her neck. She bends down to me and asks... In a happy go lucky pitch, much like a rhyme...
"What did you seeeeeeee.....?"
With tears flooding my eyes and my heart beating as if it must escape from my chest, I reply... "Nothing..."

Saturday, July 20, 2013


What is life?
Is it when I wake up feeling like a zombie?
Is it when I know I've had an amazing dream, but can't seem to remember it?
Is it when I mistake my tooth paste for shaving foam...?
Life is everyday....
Life was yesterday,
It's tomorrow...
It's yours and mine...
Our hopes and dreams,
Our happiness and tears,
Our emotions and fears...
Is it me or is it life? 
Life is when I hit my toe against the living room furniture...
It's also when I start swearing as a direct result...
It is when I dream of so much more,
It is when I fly amongst the clouds...
It is the tears I hold back,
The wrongs I wish right,
It is the hope I hold on to,
It is my picture of might be...
It's losing friends,
And gaining others...
It's finding yourself,
Or a lie like that I tell myself...
Life is our parents,
Thinking they know better...
Life is us,
Knowing we know better...
Dreaming of perfection,
And seeing illusions,
Throwing tantrums,
And building castles...
Life is what we want it to be...
Or what we think it should be...
Burying our insecurities
And planting our possibilities...
So is life...
Is it really life?
Or is it just an illusion?
All my broken pieces...
All that is me...
I maybe human,
But I do forget sometimes...
That life can storm my dreams...
Or carry me to the heavens at times...
This is life...
This is bullshit...
So is life...
A pile of crow shit...
By Yoshith Perera

Sunday, July 07, 2013

The journey continues...

When I was done with high school and all ready to embark on my future to China, I was terrified! I remember hugging my family and my dog!! I was super sad about leaving them. I was especially sad about leaving my best buddy, worried he wouldn't be looked after right! Unfortunately life doesn't cover all the bases with regard to growing up, you got to throw yourself into life's clumsy hands and hope it's gonna catch you...
When I graduated from university, I was way more freaked out about life... Where it will take me, my single life and especially whether my future was solid or not. Just cause you graduate medical school doesn't mean every things going to turn out awesome. Exams, people and LIFE gets in the way...

Leaving Sri Lanka and coming to Canada was something I was incredibly excited about. I was definitely going to miss my family, my sisters, my best mates and my home, but life is all about change. It's going to give you options, and it's going to make you pick...
And I picked here... 2 years later, many exams, volunteering and part time jobs later I'm heading back to university... Cause I'm not done learning, I'm not done being a genius! :D :) :) :P

Life's taught me one thing and that is to follow my instincts... To follow my dreams... To follow my yellow brick road... And I'm going to race through that finish line with fireworks! Not cause I'm being an overconfident arse, but because I'm ready to succeed...

"If you wanna change your life, you gotta mould it YOURSELF!!!!!!!!"

So here's to the FUTURE!!!!!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Some Moments...

I love photography, simply because it captures such amazing moments... But most of the time, the pictures don't do justice...
Some moments I treasure


The Mole...

Avoiding the ride and the bridge...


By my window...

So much snow...
Winter moon...

Their moments...


Draw me...

The sky was calling me...

Something so cool...

What a moon...



Life.. & Me...


It's how I saw it...





Feeling good...






It's me again!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

ITZ 5 0 0 0

Counting... :P


SMILE cause you can!
Be afraid when you should be...
Be careful when you need be...
Just live...
Just dream...
Cause that's LIFE!
 Cause it'll just feel awesome to...
If you're down,
Tune up the music,
Something upbeat!
Feel the beat,
Feel the moves...
Take over you...
Care not about the world,
Just breath,
& Control the dream...
Dance like you're nuts,
SING out loud!
Even if you suck.
Make em stare,
Who cares,
Cause all you need was a big fat SMILE...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Insecure Emotions....

The world keeps turning, hearts keep breaking, while some get mended, others stay broken... Our lives have become filled with expectations of that one great love that is to come into our lives. Fairy tales and romantic comedies portray the exceptional exceptions that happen in reality. Born in to the world alone, with the rarity of multiple births (<2%) of course, we all try to find that soul mate... The person who wouldn't bring us to tears or the person whom we would never have an ill moment with...

What do you think of that notion??!!

I think "It's BULL SHIT"

Cause it's not realistic!
Considering the wrong and the crap this world is filled with, I'd think everyone is bound to bring on your tears. No one's exempt from life!
To find someone who will bring on your tears, yet immediately try to wipe them away...
Someone who sees you smile and still tries to make you laugh...
A person who knows you're alone and yet keeps making excuses to call you...
Someone whose willing to battle the world to find you without even having met you...
Is it a fairy tale?
OR is it realistic?
I honestly don't know...

In our search for love, I've seen many of my friends undermine their morals, their own friends and at times themselves. The prospect of a fully functional relationship is so important that it's almost like "TO HELL WITH WHO I AM, at least I'm not ALONE"... *Sigh* Unfortunately they forget that its only the prospect of one that they are sacrificing so much for...
I'm not trying to sound like I'm any better but where did the respect and understanding go?
Is it about weighing in the wins and losses, or just compromising?
As long as you're comfortable with who you are and what you sacrifice in order to get your happily ever after, you should be fine!
I've realised that if you truly completely want that story, that magical story you get to share on your wedding day... If you want that, you've got to be crazy brave and willing to rough out a big fat drought of no SUGA!!!
To all those people who second guess themselves and their beliefs... To everyone who feels like shit when you don't get a call back or don't get a reply to your text message... You don't have to strive for someone's attention. It probably means that "He/She just isn't for you!" or that "He/She is a complete dick/bitch"... There maybe a million different excuses, you may even think that you have too high expectations/standards. But the fact of the matter is that if you mean enough to them, the honeymoon would have started the first day you set eyes on each other. You may feel like "Oh he/she just isn't that type of person...". STOP making excuses for somebody else, the question is "Is that how YOU want to be treated"


We all have our own quirks and habits that make us who we are. Don't find someone who'll laugh at you for that, who'd ridicule you and make you change them... Unless of course they are beyond weird!! Find someone who laughs with you and smiles with you for that which makes you unique. Someone who'll look at you for the gift that you are and the gift he/she's gonna keep forever... Or death do you part... :P :D

Life's way tooo short to second guess ourselves... GET Out there!!! LIVE IT UP!!! Don't change for anybody, unless it's for yourself...
Cause it's your story too...
Cause you deserve to be treated like a million bucks tooo....
Snow Whites and Supermans don't really grow on trees...
But if they are around...
It's not a bad idea to keep waiting around for them, ryte?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fathers... DAY

As father's day approaches and we celebrate the love, the example, the devotion and the spirit which are "Fathers", let's thank the papa bears out there for being gr8 dads! Being a father is an easy thing, all you need is a fertile womb and few working tadpoles, oOps! I meant hmmm well scientifically there are referred to as sperm.

The world is full of fathers, some who wanted children and others who weren't probably that excited about it. I've seen many examples of great dads, on movies and in reality. For example; my uncle, he was an amazing example of a great dad. My cousins were clearly no angels when they were growing up, but wow! The way my uncle handled them, was so cool! He was so corny around them and at the same time pretty hilarious. No matter what happened in life, his first preference was always, always those 4 amazing women in his life... He raised 3 goofy, extraordinary, independent women. As an uncle he gave me the best gifts ever, 3 amazing sisters whom I love a lot! He will always be remembered and I will always remember him simply because when I have kids.... That's the way I want to treat my kids, with unconditional love...

Sometimes life hands us, a very bad hand in a game of poker, full of deviant crazy people. Some people aren't meant to be dads but they become fathers nonetheless. This world is balanced by the good, the bad and the in-between. A moral compass is a gift and common sense a treasure, all of which are required to go down a path which leads to the "WORLD'S GREATEST DAD!!!" award. Fortunately there's no award like that, otherwise we wouldn't know if it's the award they were after...
During the early years of my life, my father didn't play much of a hands on role in my life. I barely got to see him or spend time with him. Sadly I didn't have a person to really look up to, in that way. I still remember a specific project my English teacher gave us when I was in middle school. 
"Follow your father around and write a report on your dad's career and what's it like at work with him" 
Unfortunately my father wasn't in the country at the time and my teach wasn't really in a mood to cut me out of the class assignment. It was tough, but I followed my uncle around and faked a report instead. My life was clearly no movie, there wasn't anyone waiting at the end of the day to say "I'm back and I'm back for good!" But I do have a mum, who played both roles "mum and dad" pretty well. She's an amazing fearless lady whom I am very proud to call my role model and my MUM...
My dad played the best hand of poker in life he could... He's my father and my dad no matter what... I love him for trying... Cause that's all you could hope for, isn't it? No ones really trained for the job, it's not really genetics but I've heard the pay off is amazing... Especially the memories...
So this father's day, let's remember our dads!!
The ones who are awesome,
the ones who aren't,
the ones we hardly know,
the ones we don't know...
and most of all the ones who try...
Happy FATHERs DAY Everyone!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Friends help... or do they...?

It's hard enough finding great friends, it's way more difficult keeping the ones you've found. It's clearly life that gets in the way, but the question is do you keep giving those whom you love, an excuse to be the crappiest friend in your life??

Every story out there has got black, white and grey shades to it. There's no hard question to ask yourself or ask them. Neither is there a simple questionnaire to a successful friendship.

Some friendships wean out, others break up right in front your eyes, a few go out with a bang and just a few last a lifetime... I've experienced them all...

Is it purely about give and take?
They say true friends give! give!! and GIVE!! and don't expect anything in return... But let's be honest! We're human! And we expect something from any relationship. With so many hardships and celebrations to be encountered we expect our friends to support us when we're down and party with us when there's booze around. Whether it's a good bra or jock strap, we all need the support... The one thing that's definite is our sorrows...
So the question is "Are they around when you need them?"

No friendship is selfless, except for that which we share with our parents. There may be exceptions with regard to that statement, but I do thank GOD everyday for not being one of those exceptions. Back to the topic... I've found that people who only remember you when things are grim! Are clearly a part of your crap circle! It's like a constant flow of bull shit with no end. I suggest you throw some shit back.
You deserve to be treated right!
Does drama follow as well? That's probably the worst thing to have in your life. It's way too much stress and a lot of immaturity to entertain on a daily basis. I have encountered so many of these situations and have at times blamed myself. But the thing is, you can't cause drama by yourself. You need someone else to play a part in it. The world is after all your stage, you can't bring down the curtain all by yourself.  If you're the crappy mate, you deserve a bitch slap. If you can't reason with them, just leave them behind. You got to!! If you can't, then you need a psych consultation!
If you're not being treated with respect and considered the way you're suppose to, there's something wrong! CUZ you MATTER! Which begs the question...
"Whom are you befriending?"

Everybody doesn't have to love YOU.
YOU don't have to love everybody.
It takes guts to tell people off, especially the ones that deserve it!
You're friendship is truly valuable and not everyone you meet deserves it.
Crappy baboons deserve one another...
Humble lambs, well I have no clue what they do!
You may not be able to change everyone, Dats okie!
It's not your job.
Everyone of us are the company we keep.
Sometimes you need to stop and take a look at those whom you associate.
So once in a while you do need to do some spring cleaning...
If you can't do the cleaning in person, just delete them on Facebook...
Effective but cowardice....

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goodbye's aren't forever...

   I recently lost someone close in my family, my uncle... Dr. Wilfred J. Perera... Over the years, I have spent much of my childhood with my cousins, my aunt and him... Being far from home now, it's very difficult for me to comprehend his passing... But the memories I have with all of them remain, some of the most joy some riddled with laughter. I wasn't around to comfort my sisters and I wasn't around to bid farewell to my uncle. But I believe that he is in a place, far different from earth, far more peaceful and surrounded by only love.

   He was truly an amazing man, much of his endeavors are known and commended for. But the greatest gifts he gave all of us, are 3 incredibly beautiful and spectacular daughters, all of whom I'm lucky enough to call my sisters. His legacy, his brilliance and his spirit lives on, through all of them...

   All the memories I have of him, are studded with his jokes and crazy humour. I still remember the moments where we'd all be playing a game of cards and having a amazing time... I saw him showering my cousin's with so much love, through him I saw how someone should truly love their children... He was a husband, a father, a brother, an uncle, a teacher and a leader... He left behind legacies, in every way... Even if the world forgets, he will live on... In our hearts, with our tears, with our smiles and our memories...

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die"
-Thomas Campbell

Take my breath away...


Warm hands,
Broken words,
Blushed cheeks,
Breathing deep,
Stolen air,
Deep sighs,
Falling clothes...

Against the wall,
Sweaty hands,
Torn Clothing,
Few words,
Wearing smiles,
Maybe a giggle,
Sealed on deep kisses,
With tongue!!!
Raging hormones,
Racing hearts,
Electric feelings,
& Flowing chemistry,
Fusing bodies,
Ecstatic cravings,
Brought to life....
Rhythmic movements,
Flowing juices,
Bound emotions,
Making love,
On a string of thoughts,
Bent on illusions,
Coming to it's end...
Exploding in sync...

On a bed of roses...
Now broken,
By all the passion,
By all the consumption...
Of this venture...

By Yoshith Perera

Saturday, May 18, 2013


My Free Write Friday offering based on the prompt from Kellie at;
Just felt inspired to write...

Wondering down that gravel laid path, she saw a dark figure standing in the distance. As Veronica started to hurry down the path toward the only sign of life she had seen in hours, she kept stumbling. Her heels were already tormenting her soles, not to mention the loot hidden away in her $2000 Gucci handbag. It kept swaying her in the direction of the shrubs. Finally she was in front of the dark figure which was in fact a sign post designating where exactly everything else was. She had finally arrived at the mystical magical sign post, that the fairies were talking about. She felt as if her journey was over but little did she know of the voyage she was about to embark upon.

With the intension of getting back home, she took off her heels and hung them on the sign post. Her barren soles were now, able to breath thus allowing the blisters to begin healing. She covered the base of the post with all her treasures, emptying her bag in the process. She threw her designer Gucci bag in the air and recited those sacred words.

"I, who have nothing... May now, have it all..."

"Veronica!!!!!" is what she heard back...

The post of life was talking back to her. But her vision was becoming blurry. Everything around her was beginning to take a different form. She was in fact waking up, to a room painted white. A flash of light flickering across her sight and more blurred objects by her side mumbling incoherently. She closed her eyes for a minute and tried to go back... But she opened them to see what seemed to be a hospital room. There was a nurse to her left, adjusting what seemed to be an IV line entering her forearm.

"Veronica!!?? How are you feeling?" A voice to her right. Turning, simply to see who was speaking to her was an ordeal in itself.

"Who are you?" She replied.

At that single moment, she was both terrified and confused. Barely able to move and unable to comprehend what was going on, she was unable to find her bearings.

"Veronica, I'm Doctor Shiren, I'm the Neuro-oncologist consulting in your case. A little bit of

retrograde amnesia is completely normal in your case.

But Veronica.... The tumor was too extensive... I was unable to do the procedure... I am sorry.."

He replied with an uncomforting confidence as he fought to find his place in the room.

"I'm dying?" Veronica whispered to herself... She did not know what to feel... She was at a loss for words, for thoughts and she was most definitely at a loss for feelings. She kept staring through the window, ignoring the surgeon as her eyes flooded with tears. 

"Is there anyone I could call, Veronica?" He couldn't make eye contact with her, as he seemed quite saddened by the prognosis as well. As if they has

"Doctor... I don't know... You keep calling me Veronica... And I don't know who you're talking about..."