Looking back at my education and my longing to belong to a profession where I could make a big difference, I really do get teary. After actively seeking employment for 16 months upon graduation, I cannot say I've been fruitful in securing a position within my field. Some would say that I need to keep going, while others would say that I must pay my dues. Many more would say it's just a bad time for finding a decent job. Here's my opportunity to empower community health and I am without ground to stand on. When I was 17 years old and I took the elevator to my 1st Anatomy course, I didn't think I would feel so useless. I didn't think for a second that my education and experiences would land me in front of a screen with tears in my eyes writing about my feelings of worthlessness....
LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... Oh life, if I could have a conversation with you... If you were a person who could hear my words... What could I say? I cannot even blame you for my actions, as they are my own and I am solely responsible for them. I cannot even ask you to weep on my behalf because I have a roof over my head and people who love me. I cannot even give myself an hour to feel sorry for myself as that would mean I am quitting on myself... And I am not a quitter...
Reviewing 28 years of joyous mistakes and echoing accomplishments, I am expressing myself at a sore point in my life. I could be quite unhappy regarding this experience or state of being on the 3rd of January 2016. But I will not! I choose to believe that I can and will change the world. I am grateful for this feeling so early on in the new year as it will only make me stronger. It will only make me more determined and eager to take on a future where I can instrument greater dreams in the field of health and healthcare.
Happy New Year to all the agents of change and dreamers out there! Times do get rough, it doesn't matter when exactly it is in the new year. You must always look on at the positive side of things because the alternative is unacceptable to consider.